A reference is often requested as part of the recruitment process. However, in most cases there is no legal obligation to provide a reference. Employers providing reference must ensure that they are fair and accurate, but most importantly factual. There is a common belief that an employer cannot give a bad reference, but this is […]
In recent weeks, we have been experiencing some good weather which is a welcome break from the traditional wet British summer time. However, this can still create issues for an employer. Possible issues could include; Workplace temperature – Legislation states that there is no maximum temperature within the workplace, and temperature need to be ‘reasonable’. […]
Currently all UK based employers, and of course companies are subject to the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998. However, as from 25th May 2018 this will be superseded by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The impact of GDPR has implications for all areas of a business or organisation. In concise format this […]
Further to recent legislation the deadline for publishing gender pay is now looming for employers who have 250 or more employees. This legislation requires an employer to publish statutory calculations every year showing how large the pay gap is between their male and female employees. The deadline to report and publish this information 4 April […]
You may be aware that employment tribunal fees became a thing of the past in July 2017. This change indicated an increased risk to employers which has now been backed up by statistics which have shown a 66 per cent rise in in the three months after fees were abolished in July. Employers now should […]