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Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Getting the Right Information

Unfortunately, we are now living through an unprecedented set of circumstances surrounding the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19). This presents numerous issues from a HR viewpoint, and obtaining accurate information is one of these challenges.

There are many sources of information online in which some are useful and some not so useful as the media present matters in a dramatic fashion. Therefore, the following links are useful which are updated on a constant basis;

These are difficult times for us all, and especially businesses. If you need to speak to us we will be happy to help in order to get yourself, and your business through this unpredictable time. This includes some free initial advice because this is a very difficult and uncertain time for SMEs in particular.

Take care and look after yourself, and your employees.

Ivan Spibey

About Ivan Spibey

As an HR Consultant, Ivan has worked with businesses of all types and sizes. Clients include retail, logistics, transport, engineering, accountants and charities, amongst others.